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5 Quick Tips to Help You Produce More Content

If you’re a content producer, sooner or later you’re going to come to the point where you have to ask yourself: “What am I going to write about?” Sooner or later, we all have trouble coming up with ideas. Don’t worry though – If you follow these quick tips, you’ll be...

Putting YOU Into Your Blog

Who are you? What brand or image do you want to convey with your blog? Who is your audience and how will you connect with them? These are all important questions that have a direct effect on your blog’s ultimate success. Readers want to connect with a real person,...

Blogging: How Personal Should You Get?

Personality marketing is a marketing strategy recommended by well respected experts around the globe. And blogging is generally one of the most personal mediums in business. However, personality marketing and blogging, while they do go hand in hand, don’t necessarily...